Another year is drawing to a close. Last year Sandra and I started a "tradition" of heading South just before New Years and spending the first few days of the year in Florida. Well, we are planning to head off again on Thursday, Dec 29 and plan to be back January 6. The itinerary is a bit flexible but includes 2 plus days down and staying in St Augustine for New Year's eve and then 3-4 days in Florida before heading North.
We do hope to get to Cape Canaveral and perhaps even Dinosaur World in Tampa. However, we are not stuck on a particular itinerary as much as a general and flexible one....with the main goal being to enjoy some family time in the nice weather.
Back to wiring my new XM Satellite radio into my Saab 9000....
Thoughts on the world and my world
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Off to Florida Again
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Apple Computer's brilliance
Take podcasting as an example. Podcasting could have been done practically for a number of years using the internet as a delivery backbone. Quite simply, it is audio recordings distributed over the internet. Can you imagine someone 2 years ago seeing a Silicon Valley VC and saying that he has this fantastic new business idea - allow people to distribute their own recordings on the internet! I can only imagine the reaction. Now, along comes Apple and creates an ecosystem that does the very same thing - take a a solid hardware device ( the ipod - the new "Walkman" ), add some software (iTunes) to distribute the files and a very simple idea leads to a new information distribution platform that could threaten some traditional media outlets over time. But at its core, this is not different from a technology perspective than what or Napster could have done years back. Distributing audio files is basic stuff indeed. Aha - but Apple saw that this "almost there" solution needed a push and a user-friendly platform. Name it "podcasting" and away you go with a new phenomenon. Apple literally surfed the wave that was already building off the technology shoreline.
Am I criticising Apple for repackaging old concepts or for not being original ? Quite the contrary. Apple and its team seem to have an uncanny sense of when something is ready for prime time and they know how to evole it, and then execute it to be warmly recieved by the end-users.
That, my friends, is one heck of talent. And I would bet it has far less to do with focus groups and market studies, and far more to do with wisdom and good instincts at the top. A "job" well done indeed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Intelligent design and evolution
My perspective is that "slippery slope" concerns aside, evolution is a theory that is taught as fact and if nothing else it will be helpful in the pursuit of truth to clarify that this theory is lacking and an alternate exists. I can recall my grade 9 science class where my teacher talked about how the basic building blocks of life were created in a test tube. The impression left was that we know where we came from and how we got here. To me, in restrospect and now better educated on the facts, evolution is a theory with many weaknesses.
Science, as it peels back the layers of our physical world, continues to uncover astonishing things about how the universe is governed. Regardless of one's position on how these came to be, science can never answer the question "why" in the ultimate. Religion and science are not in opposition to each other - but each speaks to different parts of the truth. Science can examine the physical world and propose how it works and why is works, but it can never answer the question about "why" or the question about the ultimate source of matter and order in the universe.
This debate will stir up emotions, but it should shed some needed light on this issue.
Monday, October 10, 2005
There is an author who has proposed that we need to practice "learned thankfulness". And in a culture of dis-thankfulness, I agree. Funny, the happiest people most of us know have learned to be happy in the simple ways, and to be thankful for the small things.
May that be me today.
I am truly blessed, and my heart overflows with thankfulness for my wife, Spencer, Ryan, my parents and family and friends.
Monday, September 05, 2005
A day in the life of Newport,RI

Saturday, August 20, 2005
Soccer season ended

It is humbling to see children and their enthusiasm, simplicity and yet the small strands of early insecurity and doubt and competitiveness that haunt us all. The strong players learn that they are strong and get the respect they hope for. The weaker players are seen as such and the pattern continues throughout their lifetime.
Fundamentally, every human being is a spark of life, a breath of God in this fallen rocky planet. To have interacted with and experienced them for a brief time has been a joy.
Here is a picture of the gang....may I carry their memories with me for life. Go get 'em boys - may you find what you need in this world and find the Truth that sets you free.
I am thankful for them all, and in a special way for Harman, the son of a gracious man who is in a wheelchair for reasons I do not know. When Harman scored his first goal during the last game of the regular season, I felt such joy for his father and it was somehow poetic for him to watch his young, fast, strong, and hopeful son run down the field and score. The son that he cannot kick the ball with, but must in his dreams. As a father I cry when I think about this.
And finally, it was fitting that Spencer scored his first and last goal of the season on this last tournament game (we won 4-0). I was so proud of him and burst with joy. Go Spencer go ! Whatever you do in life, I am here to cheer you on.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Randon thoughts on holidays and SAAB's

We are off to Newport, Rhode Island and Maine next week. I am looking forward to a week off with Sandra, Spencer and Ryan. We had a fabulous time a few weeks back on a short jaunt to Newport and are looking forward to a longer visit this time. The picture here is one from our last trip.
Cars- a necessary evil
We continue to weigh the decision to get a new car versus hanging onto our two old ones (1994 SAAB 900S turbo and 1997 SAAB 9000CSE). Recently we have test driven a few cars (Acura, Infiniti, BMW, etc). and are concluding that few (perhaps BMW) have the feel of the old SAAB’s. In fact, I test drove a 2002 SAAB 9-5 two days ago and was thoroughly disappointed with the car. The road feel and solidness was inadequate. Many drivers of old SAAB’s are saying that you need to move to Audi or BMW to get a similar feel as some of the older generation SAABs. Based on my test drives of the new series 3 and 5 from BMW I have to say I concur.
On the topic of new versus used cars, there comes a point where the cost to keep the older vehicles running forces one to give in and get something newer. I will say that we will probably have spent $6,000 in the last 12 months on the 2 cars – but then again, this is for the basics like mufflers, brakes and tires that will be good for 2-4 years. Doing the math I am still better off than paying $800-1,000 per month for two car payments.
I am concluding that we need to wait a few more months – probably until Spring 2006 and revisit the issue based on a range of factors.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The season is almost done
Well, my first season as soccer coach is virtually done. The last regular game just finished about an hour ago and we have one more game Saturday.
Coaching has taught me a few things. Firstly, that I am more competitive than I thought. Although this is a league where scores and standings are not tracked, the competitive spirit lies just beneath a thinly veiled guise of "we are all here to have fun".
The good news is that the children do not sense this, or at least not too much. I did notice though that even children want to know a) the score and b) have we won more game than we have lost. It is clear that all of us like to nbe on a winning team.
Spencer has developed well this year. He is a well rounded player able to play many positions, but I think defence is his best (or goal).
It is a nice clear August night. There will be very few nice summer evenings liek this left to enjoy. Sandra and I are sat on the porch...over and out.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Evolution and the Tsunami
I am glad to see this - and not at all surprised - believing as I do that mankind is more than the sum of our parts - but a creature created with a higher and more noble self and calling to servce God and others.
But at times like this I have to wonder what philosophical evolutionists such as the Richard Dawkins of the world conclude when they see humanity reaching out to help others. I ask this because this world view in its most basic form believes that we are animals who happen to, through a series of fortunate accidents, sit at the top of the food chain after a long and painful process of evolution. When disaster strikes one might therefore expect that such "animals" would do little but clean up the mess and wash our hands of it and hope to move on quickly. I say this because our species, under this world view should in a sense be glad to have a few hundred thousand mouths to feed in a populous and poor area. The ones left behind are better off, would go the tune, if you really believed evolution.
How can those from this school of thought explain why we act so altruistically if we are in fact just animals sans a soul?
I am sure they will find some way to explain this and wriggle and writhe through the philosophical nuances of how it makes us feel better about ourselves and creates more serotonin in our brain and so is actually a selfish act. I prefer to look to the more obvious explanation. We are more than physicality and molecules and flesh and bones. We have a soul and spirit an essence that is not from this physically bounded world.
And this soul of man calls us to a higher good and a more noble cause than simply existing for ourselves. We see it every day in small ways - and currently in a big way in Asia - and aren't we all glad that this is so ?