It is humbling to see children and their enthusiasm, simplicity and yet the small strands of early insecurity and doubt and competitiveness that haunt us all. The strong players learn that they are strong and get the respect they hope for. The weaker players are seen as such and the pattern continues throughout their lifetime.
Fundamentally, every human being is a spark of life, a breath of God in this fallen rocky planet. To have interacted with and experienced them for a brief time has been a joy.
Here is a picture of the gang....may I carry their memories with me for life. Go get 'em boys - may you find what you need in this world and find the Truth that sets you free.
I am thankful for them all, and in a special way for Harman, the son of a gracious man who is in a wheelchair for reasons I do not know. When Harman scored his first goal during the last game of the regular season, I felt such joy for his father and it was somehow poetic for him to watch his young, fast, strong, and hopeful son run down the field and score. The son that he cannot kick the ball with, but must in his dreams. As a father I cry when I think about this.
And finally, it was fitting that Spencer scored his first and last goal of the season on this last tournament game (we won 4-0). I was so proud of him and burst with joy. Go Spencer go ! Whatever you do in life, I am here to cheer you on.