Thoughts on the world and my world

Monday, October 25, 2004

Kerry and Bush - update

Just days away now from the US election. About 3 weeks back it looked like Bush was slipping considerably and loosing momentum. Today, the situation looks different with many polls showing him ahead.

So much ink has been spilled by prognosticators trying to predict the outcome, but I would conclude this is futile. So much depends on voter turnout and we can expect to be surprised by this on Nov 2. The line-ups at early polls seem to indicate to me that we will see a much higher turnout this year than for years.

After all, this is the first election since Sep 11, 2001. It is also the first election for years where the US is actively engaged in material military actions (Iraq). You can expect this to drive higher turnout.

Final point for today. I knew the Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction the day the US army moved into Baghdad and no such weapons were used against the US. Do you think Saddam would not use all available firepower to stop the US ? The fact that he did not use WMD indicates to me he did not have them (at least in a readily usable form).

Monday, October 04, 2004

Kerry and Bush

In reflecting on the recent debate between John Kerry and George Bush, I am now willing to go out on a limb and declare that Bush is probably finished and will not be elected again. If he is, I would suppose it is because: a) Something happens in his favour between now and Nov 2 or b) there are enough Americas who support his other general views to overlook his one-dimentional perspective on Iraq and the war on terror.