Summer 2008 is the year that Ryan started playing soccer, at the age of 7. This is the same age that Spencer started. Ryan is having a great time playing so far this year, and loves it. He plays with such energy and really puts his whole heart into the game. He runs up and down the field staying with the play, and has a real sense of the game an how it is unfolding. I think he has definitely benefited from having played with his older brother and his friends over the years.
Ryan scored his first goal in one of the first couple of games he played. It was the one game I could not be there because I had my boss in from out of town and we had dinner with the CIO of Purolator. Sandra was there and proud ! It is interesting to note that Sandra missed Spencer's first goal (but I was there) since she had to stay home with Ryan who was ill. We are proud parents of two great lads.
A few games back Ryan also saved two goals when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere to kick the ball out of the crease....he did this twice in 1 game and these "saves" were very dramatic - and made us very proud.
This is absoultely amazing (because I'm in it)
Good for people to know.
It is my personal belief that this is a terrible work.
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