Thoughts on the world and my world

Monday, June 28, 2004

Election Day in Canada

Its June 28, 2004. Time for us citizens of a free democratic Canada to cast our vote. We can agree to disagree, but I would suggest a vote for the Liberals is a vote poorly cast. Wherever you sit on the political spectrum from right to left, the Liberals need a re-boot. Doing so will require some time out of power. Some time to develop humility and to backwash the culture of cronyism and concentrated power we have grown so used to over 11 years of rule.

Poor Paul Martin. Things looked so good for him a few months back. Was it inevitable that whoever lead the Ruling Party would be turfed like I am sure he will tonight? I would say it was not inevitable at all. Mr Martin could have distanced himself from the old Chretien Liberals more effectively. Although it is pretty tough to pull this off properly when you were the #2 man in terms of power during all of those years. Mr. Martin should have thought of that sooner.

Now - over to the people to speak. My guess - that the poles have undestimated the extent of the backlash and the New Tories will pikcup a few more seats than now projected (now projected = about 110 I think...).

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