Thoughts on the world and my world

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

My Canada: Not the Canada of most Canadians

As I continue to reflect on the June 28 election I realize that as time passes the gap between what the electorate seem to want and I what I believe is good for Canada grows wider.

There is such a thing as a vision of a Grand Country combining the best of the European model and the best of the American models in a country that would be the envy of the world. Public health care supplemented by private delivery with guaranteed access to all under the Canada Health Act (a la UK and Sweden). Strict gun control (a la most European Countries). Competitive taxes that do not penalize families (a la the US). A respect and admiration for private initiative ( a la the US) while recognizing that we need to protect the vulnerable that have fallen through the system or have been born in very difficult circumstances (a la Europe).

Did any candidate paint a vision of a unique Country in the Western hemisphere with a such a different and attractive vision like this ? No.

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